Brazil, as the country that is going to held
the world cup in 2014, have to make a lot of new infrastructure such as
highways, airport and marinas, and although, brazil is one of the fastest
growing economy in the world, this is going to cost a lot of money.
Studies say that, Brazil is going to spend
around USD 18 billions, but this amount of money will also prepared what is going
to happened in 2016, the Olympic games. This, of course, is going to have
benefits. Brazil expects to earn around USD 120 billions between the World Cup and
the Olympics games. This preparation will also create lots of new jobs.
This international events, which is going to
bring tourism from all over the world, will benefits a lot of industries. We
try to developed which industries will benefit the most and we found that, for
example, Rio de Janeiro is a touristic city that every year expects 1.4m visitors, with this events, the tourism is expect to
grown up to 3.3m visitors, so the industry of hotels and retail will be one of
the most benefit.
Another industries that will be benefits are
the telecomunnication one and everything that involves transportation, tourism
will have a big demand on them
Indutries such as electricity and
contruction, are also going to be benefits, but mostly before the event happen.